Maruyama Ōshō 円山応祥 (1904-1981) – White Eyes & Roses – 花鳥画 – Artist held by King Charles

$1,000.00 CAD

Paradise Bound on YouTube.


Maruyama Ōshō 円山応祥 (1904-1981) was a descendant of the legendary Maruyamo Ōkyo and was the 7th generation head of the Maruyama School and top appraiser of the works of that school during his lifetime. One of his pieces (not this one) is held in the collection of King Charles, which was commissioned by the Mitsui Family and gifted in 1930 (1930(昭和5)年 – 三井家依嘱により英国皇室に額面献上.) – He also painted the sliding doors of multiple floors of the Mitsui Residence (the Mitsuis having been patrons of the Maruyamas since the time of Ōkyo). His lineage continues to this day. Very good condition for its age (some very small stains and damages). Pre-WWII – determined by the aging that can be seen at the upper verso and of the jikusaki (bone roller ends).

Size = 22″ x 76″. $1000 CAD – Price includes shipping worldwide. All prices in Canadian dollars. Comes with 3 hours of information in an email and a document of authenticity.

We have been in business for almost 25 years and our brick and mortar store is in Toronto, Canada, where we have hundreds of pieces of Japanese art. All our Japanese art was made in Japan, where we spend a month out of every year visiting family.

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