Mori Hankei 森半景 (1858-1940) Student of Mori Kinseki – 森琴石の弟子 – Sansui (Landscape) – 山水

$400.00 CAD

Paradise Bound on YouTube.

Mori-san was a student of the great Mori Kinseki (1843-1921) and Yamamoto Baiso (1846-1921) [Chita City Museum video]. He was also the cousin of Mori Taiseki.

住所 尾張国葉栗郡太田島村。
森嘉祿 字は子修、別号は無墨斎、安政五年尾張に生る。森琴石、田能村直入、山本梅荘に学ぶ、南画家。
「増補 古今日本書画名家辞典」(玉椿荘楽只著・大文館発行・昭和14年)

Excellent silk mounting. Elegant jikusaki (roller ends). Here, mountains symbolizes immortality, and the mist, haze or fog is a Zen reminder of the intangible things in life that we can’t grasp or comprehend. The last picture shows the same name seals on a piece held by one of our colleagues in Japan. Good, normal condition for its age (a few small stains and some creases).

Large. – 26″ x 76.5″.  – $400 CAD – Comes with a signed and sealed document of authenticity and roughly 3 hours worth of relevant documentaries and further reading. Price includes shipping worldwide. All prices in Canadian dollars.

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