“Tansei” (Ota Seitan) – 太田清潭 (act. Meiji-Taisho-Showa? periods) – Itsukushima (Miyajima) Winter Sansui – 厳島神社冬山水
$275.00 CAD
Unfortunately there is almost nothing known about “Tansei” (Ota Seitan) that we’ve been able to source from our archives other than that he was a very capable painter who obviously studied Shijō-ha and may have lived on the west coast of Japan for a time. The subject matter of this scroll suggests that he may have been studying or painting in Hagi, which is close to Miyajima, -or may even have been a guest at the shrine itself. Either way, Tansei has offered us a unique view of the shrine and must have positioned himself thoughtfully a bit off the beaten path to achieve such an angle. Good condition for its age. Nice silk mounting that changes the reflection of different types of light and gives the piece a different look depending on such light.
22.5″ x 67″ – $275 – SOLD – THANK-YOU! comes with a signed and sealed document of authenticity. Purchase price includes shipping. All prices in Canadian dollars. $25 discount for in-store purchase!
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