Utagawa Kunisada – Yoshitsune & Benkei – 源義経と武蔵坊弁慶

$250.00 CAD


Two of Japan’s greatest warrior legends, Yoshitsune and Benkei, by Kunisada (1786-1865). Legends and stories abound, and this print depicts the part of the legend where Yoshitsune bests Benkei in battle and becomes his retainer. Ichikawa Danjuro is portraying Yoshitsune, and Ichikawa Danzo V?, Benkei. “Kiwame” (censor’s seal) indicates pre-1845.

Good condition. Fine impressions. (ura-uchi backing). Date: Edo period. -10″ x 14.5″ – $250 – Will look very striking in the right light-coloured frame. – Comes with a sealed document of authenticity. 

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